The big ‘P’ that has consumed our lives for the past couple of years has forced a lot of us to embrace the working from home lifestyle. Ah, those comfy clothes and no-trouser Friday’s really were great weren’t they? Well for a lot of people, working from home is still a reality and is here to stay, or at least, many now have the choice. With the increase in home working, better and more reliable security measures have been brought about. Some companies have invested in new kit for their staff and have even trained them on how to properly protect their devices. But unfortunately there are still ways for persistent hackers to gain access to your work data.
In your home, and for most of us, it is normal to have multiple devices that all connect to the same network. Devices such as games consoles phones and even the family laptop can be at risk of a cyber attack. Essentially anything that connects to your Wifi.
How do I protect my work data?
We recommend having a great IT supplier who works preventatively as well as being full of knowledge and solutions when scary stuff happens. That just so happens to be what we do, so book a call if you think we can help!
However, there are several ways we recommend to help you protect your devices and data when working from home because layering up on security is the best way to protect.
Investing in antivirus, antispam and other protection for devices will help to be the first layer. The less protection and barriers the work device has, the easier it is for hackers to find a weak spot.
Helping secure the home network of your employees may seem like a bit of a faff but knowing their network (Wifi) is as secure as possible can be another great line of defence for your business data.
Take care of your VPN too. This invaluable tool has been the starting point for many businesses over the pandemic but because of the now wider use of them, there is a higher risk of a breach. Speak to your IT provider about the different options regarding using VPNs to make sure you are minimising the risk when team members are accessing the company network
We’ve put together a useful guide on the 5 ways you can better protect your employees and data while they are working from home. You can download the guide below:
Knowing how to protect your work data and devices at home or when working from a remote location really is a big deal now more of us are not in the office. Download our Working From Home guide for all the info on keeping safe, secure and productive when working remotely.
Dowload the guide