If you find yourself taking time starting and creating new documents from scratch, or saving numerous copies of an already existing documents to change them slightly, then you need to use Microsoft word Templates.
Using Templates
Watch this short video or read on for instructions.
- When you’re finished creating a masterpiece that you think you will be using to modify in the future go to ‘File’ then ‘Save as’.
- Click more options (located below the ‘File Name’ box) This will bring up another save window.
- Change the ‘Save as Type’ to ‘Word Template’ and add the file name.
- Press save
- To find it for next time, open a new document in word. Go to ‘File’ then ‘New’
- Click the ‘Personal’ Tab and find the file you are after. Click the pin icon and it will lock it to the top bar for easy access.
And there you have it, easy to find templates, ready at your fingertips.
For more time saving ideas check out the rest of the how-to video’s here or book a call with the team to discover what we can do for you!