How to create your own one-click toolbar in Microsoft word

Is there a feature you find yourself using a lot, but that it takes a while to find within Microsoft Word’s menu options? With the Quick Access feature, you can add a button to the Quick Access bar on your app that takes you straight to it!

Here’s how:

  1. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Quick Access toolbar (the blue toolbar at the top of the screen)
  2. If the function you’re looking for isn’t in the list of common options, click on ‘More commands’ at the bottom of the menu
  3. In the drop-down list, select the tab your function is found under.
  4. Then, find your button in the list and click the ‘Add >>’ button.
  5. Your new button will now be added to the toolbar, and you’ll never need to hunt around for it again!

Alternatively, you can watch our instructional video below.

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